Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wow, what a great inning today at Sloan!

Hap returned to Sloan today because he continues to run fevers. It was determined that the fevers are due to fluid in his lungs. In addition his blood pressure is slightly elevated so the doctor will be putting him on medication.

Now for some good news....the CAT scan showed that the embolization is working. The tumors on his liver are showing changes for the better. The pelvic mass has already decreased in size, due to the ocetreotide shots.

Hap will return in two weeks for a follow up and to determine the date of his next embolization.


Camille said...

I had an emergency surgery this Thursday for a 'contorted ovary' (thought it was appendicitis). The teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsty pain I've been feeling is making me a bit on the cranky side if you know what I mean. I can not IMAGINE how you're dealing with the pain you've been having with your typical equanimity. Sending lots of love and prayers for healing your way - Kris & Co.

chris and chuck said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family each and every day. That goes without saying. However, as an athlete and coach, you know that attitude and outlook are the keys to success. Fight the good fight my friend, "Don't let, Good Enough,Be Good Enough."
Chuck and Chris S