Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hap returned home on Friday evening. He is spending a lot of time resting, since the pain in currently under control.

Next week he will call his doctor to set up a follow up appoinment and an appointment for the scan.


Camille said...

Hi guys! Would you like a visit (I can help run the boys around - get groceries -whatever) next weekend (Nov. 16th)? It'd be me and the boys Friday/Saturday. Hope Hap's feeling better today. Love, Kris & co.

Gary Larson said...


I just read through your blog and the phrase “One Inning at a time” is the attitude that will carry you through this. Michelle Krechmer, a colleague of Mary’s, shared your blog page with me and I, in turn, passed it on to several of your former Little League coaching buddies who have been asking about you. It is a great way to keep the many who care about you and your family informed without bombarding your house with phone calls. If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to call. As I said before, if you need a ride for a treatment or appointment I can be available. If you want to talk sports, the Sparta High School building project or local politics, I can give you the inside scoop on several issues. I’ll be thinking of you as I read about your progress during the upcoming months.
