Hap and Mary just returned from Sloan this evening. In the doctor's words...."this is a very unusual case". The top pathologist reviewed Hap's results and still they are not able to identify the primary source. They have; however, ruled out colon and prostate cancer.
The doctor originally mentioned that Hap would begin chemo today. After the results from his blood work, (which was very good) she decided to hold off until further testing.
Hap will return to Sloan next week for an endoscopy procedure and an additional biopsy.
To Hap, Mary and the kids,
Please know that you are in our prayers! Keep fighting and stay strong. We wish you all the luck in world.
~Kyle and Lisa Wagner (Jen and Jeff's friends from MA)
Hap, Mary, Brendon, Preston and my Nolan,
You are all in my every thought and prayer. We always knew Hap was a special person just never realized how special. It will be no time before you all will be hitting HOME RUNS AGAIN.
Hap, Mary, Brendon, Preston & Nolan,
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. "Hap hang tuff and stay strong, but most of all keep the faith."
Jenn, thanks for keeping us all updated.
Love you all,
Mike, Cheryl, Heather, & Michael
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