Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ray and Bonnie brought Hap and Mary home last night after a long week at Sloan. Hap was unable to come home on Thursday due to fevers.
On Friday, he had a chest X-ray and blood work. Both were fine and after being visited by 3 doctors and Mary begging, Hap was allowed to go home,
still with a fever and annoying hiccups. Being home and seeing his three sons should help speed up his recovery.

It takes a HUGE support system to make it possible for Hap to be able to travel into New York for outstanding care at Sloan. Hap and Mary are very grateful for all the support that includes, prayers, cards, grandparents taking care of their boys, arrangements made for Mary in the city, meals for their family back at home, transportation for their boys, text messages, phone calls, friends and family spending time with Mary in the city and I’m sure there’s more. Even through this difficult time, Hap and Mary continue to feel blessed each and every day.

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