Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Hope this latest blog update finds everyone safe, sound, and warm after Hurricane Sandy. Please keep all the victims of this disaster in your prayers.

It has been months since our last post. Hap was in the hospital in September for fours days fighting an infection that required emergency surgery. He had to cease treatment for six weeks to physically heal from it all. Hap was able to regain strength mentally and physically while being off treatment. He was suppose to resume this past week but did not due to the hurricane . Hap is scheduled to continue with his treatments on Wednesday.

Exciting news in NJ! The full Assembly passed our Bill SJR12 designating November 10th as NET Cancer Awareness Day every year in NJ. Hap and Mary were extremely happy to see their year long work materialize.

To kick off NET Cancer Awareness Day and the "One Inning at a Time" Foundation dedicated to rare cancer research, Hap and Mary are holding a benefit concert with Blessid Union of Souls on
Saturday, November 10th at The Newton Theatre. We hope to see all of you there!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Mid-Summer Everyone and a
Happy Birthday to Hap and his brother Ray!

Hap is going on week 40 for being in the clinical trial and receiving

Avastin and Temsirolimus treatments. Headaches, nose bleeds and

fatigue continue to be the side effects. These past two weeks Hap had a bout with shingles on the torso area...probably stress related.

June and July have been very difficult months for the Luna family and the Rowan family. In June we lost our dear mom unexpectedly after complications following a procedure for her cancer. Then in July Hap's dad passed after battling renal disease for years. It has truly been a challenging time for our families.

Good News to Share!

Hap and Mary have been working hard to bring awareness to neuroendocrine tumor cancer. With the help of Senator Oroho they have been making trips to Trenton for the purpose of passing Bill SJR-12. They gave testimony with Hap's trial doctor, Dr. Reidy, to promote this bill which would make every November 10th a Neuroendocrine Tumor Cancer Awareness Day in the state of NJ. This bill passed unanimously in the health sub committee and the full Senate. We are now waiting for the final step in the Assembly? If it passes there, it goes to the Governor's desk for signing. WooHoo!!!

Also want to share that Team Rowan members and all their supporters raised over $28,000 for the 2012 Cycle for Survival which funds rare cancer research. Team Rowan is really proud and thankful to all their supporters.

After a few years of raising funds for rare cancer research Hap and Mary have created their own foundation named "One Inning at a Time", named appropriately after this very blog. This foundation should be launched next month.

Saving the best for last...The last scans showed reduction in the tumor size of the pelvic tumors. This has been a first since Hap was diagnosed. There was also some reduction on two of the liver tumors. I think he has two new angels in his outfield. Hap's doctor is working hard at getting his treatment at Basking Ridge, which is closer to home; but so far, no luck. Thank God for friends and family who continue to take Hap into the city which is NEVER a quick trip.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Training Begins!

It’s been a while since the last post. Hap is in the 18th week of his “clinical trial”.
He is back on both treatment medications, avastin and temsirolimus.

Some of Hap’s side effects have really slowed him down. (severe hemorrhoids, nose bleeds, headaches and fatigue) However, this week has been better. Fortunately, he was able to participate in the Cycle for Survival with his Mega Team, “Team Rowan” on February 12th.

At Monday’s appointment, Mary asked Hap’s doctor if he could take a break from the treatment to build up some strength and then later go back on them. Unfortunately, that is not an option in this trial. His next evaluation CT scan is scheduled for March 7th with the follow-up appt on the 12th. We are all looking forward to more progress and further treatment decisions being made.

For the first time in three years, Hap had his picture taken with his medical team, the “Core Four”, with Dr. Kemeny “hitting clean up”!

Photo: Hap’s Medical Team; left to right- Nurse Trish, Dr. Kemeny, Hap, Nurse Karen, and Main Nurse Sandra

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy New Year to All!

It’s been about five weeks since the last post. Hap is still in the clinical trial. He had to cut back on the Avastin for a few weeks due to some side effects. Today he and Mary met with Dr. Kemeny, his main oncologist to review last week’s scan. The scan showed mild decrease in three out of the four pelvic tumors. As his doctor says, every little bit counts. No change in the liver, but no change is good. Hap only received temsirolimus and no avastin to allow further healing from his complications. Hap did receive his monthly octreotide injection. He also brought up some concerns with his eyes. His doctor wants Hap to follow up with his eye doctor to make sure he’s not having a new side effect from the treatments. Overall, it’s was a good day!

Picture is with Hap’s Chemo nurse, Stinzi